Saturday, November 22, 2008

You All

Does anybody know the correct spelling of the abbreviation of you all. I always write y'all because in most contractions, you put the apostrophe where the letters are missing (example - does not = doesn't.) However, I most often see people write it as ya'll.

Although I've lived in Ohio my whole life, Southern Ohio is way different than Northern Ohio. I feel like I used to live in the "North" and now I live in the "South." I've acclimated to my new culture by picking up the word "y'all", but I may be spelling it wrong, and I don't want the other Southerners to think poorly of me.




Rachel said...


I'm from Texas. This is correct.

Anonymous said...

I agree...if you feel you must.

your father(you know, the EX-English teacher)

Krissy said...

Yes, I must. And now I can do it with confidence. I'm never going to have that cute Kelly Russell accent (which mysteriously to me Rachel, Dora, and Steven, all Texans, do not have. How did that happen again?) But, I can make a choice on y'all, and I'm ALL IN.

Steven Manuel said...

Correct is y'all.

kel said...

in case you need it confirmed yet again - y'all are all correct. i agree with all y'all.

Krissy said...

Nice, Kel. Leave it to the true Southerner to bring "all y'all." I'm not at that level that, and frankly, I don't know if I'll ever be. I think that has to be something you're born into.

Anonymous said...

I have come across the same issue as a northerner down south. I must confess, I was guilty of the ya'll when I first started using it in type. I soon came to my grammatical senses and I think it's my favorite thing to type now, y'all!