Thursday, December 02, 2010

Things that make me smile

I'm starting to think that 2 years is the height of drama - the highs are so high and lows are low. Kate is a very emotional person. Seemingly small things can really upset her. And when she is excited, wow! Lately she's been making me laugh with her funny sayings and take on the world. She really picks up subtly in conversation. A few conversations we've had recently:

Me: Kate, look it's snowing.
Kate: Is that the white stuff.
Me: Yes!
Kate: Well, can we celebrate mommy?

Kate: Mommy, you're not wearing a shirt.
Me: Yes I am, Kate. I'm wearing a black t-shirt.
Kate: Oh, you are wearing a shirt. Just not a very pretty one.

Me: Kate, if you have faith in God as small as a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible for you.
Kate: But mommy, I don't like mustard.

Brett (first thing in the morning): Kate, do you have a dry pull-up?
Kate: Maybe, maybe not. You never know. We'll have to check and see. (these are many of her favorite phrases.)

Elli is as sweet as she could be. What a darling little girl! She is SO joyful! When she smiles, her whole face lights up! It is so sweet. She is so talkative too. What fun!