Thursday, November 06, 2008

Foiled by Time Warner

I still can't believe this...I have a story, but a little background is necessary before I dive in.

I believe that fasting is an important discipline. It's good for building self-control. It teaches us to put down our desires and rely on God. While I've been pregnant and nursing, I've looked for things to fast from other than food. Media seems to be the best because I feel like I "need" tv, internet, etc. So, practically what this looks like for me now is, I refrain from using media on Mondays.

Well, this week, I just plain forgot. When I realized it, I considered just fasting on Tuesday instead. But No! The election is Tuesday! I HAVE to watch all the juicy coverage. So Tuesday, I'm all revved up watching CNN all day. (Of course they have nothing to report except the weather's good for voting.) The time is drawing near, and at 5:30pm, my cable goes out. THAT'S RIGHT - Time Warner turned off our cable. When I called, they said they mistakenly thought we hadn't paid our bill; but they couldn't fix it until the next day. So there we were, no election coverage. Luckily, I have a car and Nikki lives a mile away. I watched a lot of it and then went home to poor Brett who was watching local coverage on our 2" battery powered TV (which as a side note is a WONDERFUL thing to own - we use it in the car, when the power goes out, when the cable goes out, etc.) But in all of this I wonder, was God trying to tell me something???

1 comment:

Steven Manuel said...

Nah. Continue your media-dependent lifestyle, no matter what.