Thursday, July 29, 2010


That's my status as of yesterday's doctor's appointment - "inducible." Basically means although they aren't planning to induce me, they could if they needed to. Feels like progress, as last week they said they would try to stop labor if it started. Now I'm dilating and effacing and all the other important mumbo-jumbo, so I could go whenever. My doctor said, "Could be tonight, could be 3 weeks." I like that kind of expectation management - I really have no idea. With Kate I wasn't making any progress and he said, "but your water could break in the parking lot." And that's not far from what happened. It's a funny thing to have no control over something so important. I suppose control is really just an illusion anyways since big things can always happen, but I tend to maintain that illusion as best I can. I guess it's great preparation for what our world's going to look like. I'm getting more and more excited everyday. Also a bit more uncomfortable ;) Ellie, we can't wait to see you!

1 comment:

Alli said...

When I saw the title I thought "is that a word?" And then I understood! Yeah God - good job making progress with your birth plan for Ellie! Go, go, go.

You were a great help to me the day that I had Zoe. And you more or less said "you can't control this." (In a very nice, encouraging way!). A good word, indeed!