Saturday, July 24, 2010

Awkward, fun progress

Well, this pregnancy is definitely not the same as last time. I'm physically much more tired here at the end, which makes sense while playing, carrying, and hanging out with a 2 year old all day. But I'm still feeling good, just physically tired and a little uncomfortable and awkward. Luckily, I love the heat, so that part doesn't bother me a bit. I'm not swelling and my back is fine; I just have a giant belly. The other day while swimming with Kate, I kept feeling like I wanted to fall forward because I was so off balance. It was so funny. It was a great day - Kate said I should take a turn on her "timmy the turtle" raft, which I did, and it was so relaxing! She was right. We played and she jumped off the dock about 30 times. She said to me, "You are the best mommy I have ever seen" and I started to cry at Coney it was so sweet :)

At my doctor's appointment he said Ellie is in perfect position and I'm starting to dialate, so that's good news. No telling on timing, but I'm still guessing early August. Kate came at 37 1/2, my due date is Aug 15th but I think that's technically a week early, so I'm still sticking with first week in August.

We shall see...throw out a guess on the date!


Ross & Tricia McLain said...

August 9th. That's my guess!
I'm giggling at the thought of a pregnant woman floating on a raft called "Timmy the turtle". That is just precious!

Rachel said...

My guess is August 5th. Come on Ellie!