Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Kate!

I can't believe she's 2 (tomorrow)! What a cutie! Here are just a few things I know about this sweet girl -

Kate is loving. She cares deeply about those around her, aka "her buddies."
Kate is smart. Good grief. That brain of hers is strong.

Kate is passionate. She's all in, all the time. Her intensity is high.
Kate is fun. She loves to laugh and make those around her laugh.

Kate is a shepherd. She is inclusive and wants everyone to be involved.
Kate is joyful. What a joy and delight she is!

1 comment:

Alli said...

That's our buddy!! Can't wait to come celebrate her. WE LOVE KATE, we love Kate, we love Kate....we Pattersons like to chant that before we do anything each morning. :-)
And that first picture is my favorite. They're all perfectly Kate...but that first one just melts my heart and features those crazy curls.
What a sweet, awesome, hilarious little lady you have.