Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Do you know about this???

Oh my gosh

It is the best!!!  

Free radio, customized to your music tastes.  It is GENIUS!  It makes iTunes Genius look like an idiot.

It's called the Music Genome Project.  You type in your favorite artist or song, and it plays lots of songs you will love.  It says things like "based on your favorite artist, we think you'll enjoy songs like this one, with similar basic rock song structures, a subtle use of vocal harmony, acoustic rhythm piano, use of a string ensemble, and major key tonality."  WHAT - yes, I'd love that.  Thank you Pandora - you are amazing.

Check it out.


amo said...

I have been using Pandora for a long time now. I rarely listen to my own music collection. I love it! I especially love the "quick mix" option - you can play all your stations at once.

Katy said...

yes, i too have been listening to pandora for a long time. it is definitely awesome. if you want not sucky god stuff, try the 'generation unleashed' channel. ez and i like to rock out to it. another personal fav is the what you get with 'iron and wine'

Rachel said...

I'm a pandora fan. Years ago when it first started you got a personal e-mail from the dud who came up with it when you signed up. I chatted with he and his wife so often over email they sent me a t-shirt and still email me from time to time to ask about new features. I like Pandora, a lot.

Krissy said...

But didn't it used to be $10 / month?? 3 yrs ago I thought you had to pay... I didn't know it was free!!!!