Monday, March 02, 2009


Kate is taking an extra long nap (who knows - sleep issues abound, but I won't go into that now.)

Today I have a very important thing to say - there is nothing better than Funfettit cake! I discovered it in college at the Tri-Delt house (boy that could be a good post too - what it's like to live with 45 women in one house - yikes, what fun!) Anyhow, Funfetti cake is my very favorite cake. Don't give me Bon Bonnerie Opera Creme Cake (well, okay, you can give it to me :) but Funfetti is my fave. Nikki and Emily made it for Kate's birthday (her actual day of birth - one year is coming up soon!) Tonight we're having friends over, so I made up some Funfetti cupcakes.


Kate is now up, so I don't have time to go into all the details, but YAY - Tara is taking care of Kate starting tomorrow! Yahoo! Can't wait for that goodness!

AND - Happy Birthday to Emily!!! We love you!

1 comment:

Katy said...

Irene and I also share your fondness of Funfetti cakes. I'm hungry.