Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Just when I think Kate is so smart she should work for NASA, I get perspective and remember she's still one...this morning I heard her choking in her room and I thought, there is no food in there, so there's nothing I should be concerned about, right? Wrong. She walks back to me and says, "I ate the crayon. The green one." This is where I have trouble with discipline. I say, "Kate, repeat after me - We don't eat crayons." She says, enthusiastically, "No eat crayons!" I start laughing. I mean, it's funny, right. They're non-toxic, she didn't choke. Now she has the hiccups from eating the crayon. Awesome.


amo said...

Love it. Yesterday Urban was here in my office and tipped my recycle bin over on himself. I had to laugh.

Ashley said...

Green poop, I presume.