Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm back

I'm going to officially declare it - I'm coming back into the world. Where have I been? Off growing a baby. For those I haven't seen, I'm 15 weeks pregnant. It's going well, but like last time, the first trimester has been exhausting. I believe, and am now declaring, that the exhaustion stage is ending. Now if I can just get past jet lag (it is 2am right), I'll be in great shape.

I've got so many updates for the blog - it's been 3 1/2 months (you'll see the correlation to age of baby...) As more perspective, this year our Christmas tree almost became a Valentine's Day tree. It was painfully depressing, but I just didn't have it in me to get that thing down. The day before Valentine's Day, it finally happened. Brett dragged all the boxes up and helped me take the pitiful thing down. Of course, Kate thought it was a new and permanent addition to the house, so she was sad to see it go. She was the only one.

So, maybe you'll see some catch-up posts, or maybe we'll just go from here. I'm not going to commit to that now. But I am committed to coming back to my rhythm of about a post a week. I like giving the updates, and I like reading others blogs, so I'm going to try to get back to it.

The cutest Kate update of late - I love her little catch phrases lately. They are so funny in her sweet little voice. She'll say, "Come on, Dude!" or "No way!" and I lose it every time. She is so happy and fun to be around. What a delight :)


Katy said...

WoW!!!!!! Such great news. You are such an amazing mom and now you'll be doubly amazing :)

Alli said...

I'm glad you are back! I like your posts and seeing Kate's sweet face and curly hair.
My friends have all but given up blogging lately and I miss all the updates and feeling a little more connected to people's families... I know it's a lame substitute for all living on the same street but so far no one has agreed to move to Northwich Dr so I'll have to keep reading blogs.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! What fun! Glad you're back!

Ross & Tricia McLain said...

Congratulations Krissy! Such exciting news. Sweet Kate will be a wonderful big sister! I saw you on stage in Mason this looked stunning! Pregnancy definitely brings out beauty in you!